Nagaoka Laboratory Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University

Concept | "Computational Sciencing" Materials Transformation !

Dreaming of constructing new research methods to understand "it" continuously making a connection between "chemical kinetics" approach and "quantum chemistry" one.

Theoretical Chemistry and Information Science Explore the New MATERIAL SCIENCE and Computational Molecular Technology
All the natural phenomena in this world, including a human being himself/herself, are considered the matter dynamism of atoms and molecules, whose individual characteristics are ruled by electrons. The dynamism is originating in the nonlinearity, nonequilibrium and nonstationarity, with which nature is furnished by nature. In Nagaoka's Lab, making the most of infomation scientific methodologies based on computers and networks, they are investigating the appearance of nonequilibrium and nonstationarity in the human and the natural worlds, and are looking for REALITY and ESSENCE of chemical phenomena and materials transformation.
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Establishment of Molecular Technology towards the Creation of New Functions Elements Strategy Initiative for Catalysts and Batteries Kyoto University (ESICB) Computer Simulation of Energy Post-K International Symposium on Multi-scale Simulation of Condensed-phase Reacting Systems (MSCRS2016)