************第63回尾張コンプレックスセミナー*************      題  目: 非結合性相互作用の共同性 Title : Cooperativity of non-covalent interactions 発 表 者: G. ナラハリ サスティー Speaker : Prof. G. Narahari Sastry 所  属  : 化学技術研究所分子モデリングセンター Affiliation: Centre for Molecular Modeling, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, India 日  時:  6月5日(木)午後1時30分〜(約1時間) Date :  Thur. Jun. 5th, 13:30 pm (Almost one hour) 場  所:  情報科学研究科5階演習室 Place : 5F Seminar Room, Graduate School of Information Science Abstract: In general, non-covalent interactions are individually weak and a substantial number of such interactions work together in molecular recognition, aggregation and supramolecular assembly. The contemporary importance and emphasis on the relevance and range of various non-covalent interactions in various disciplines warrants a deeper understanding on the nature of various types of non-covalent interactions and their interplay. In this talk, I would like to describe the nature of hydrogen bonding, CH..pi, cation-pi, and pi-pi interactions and how these bond strengths can be modulated by various factors. The concept of cooperativity and anticooperativity are defined and its relevance in chemistry, biology and material science ill be explained. The approaches are based on quantum chemical calculations, X-ray structure analysis, and analyzing the experimental observations. Energy decomposition analysis is shown to be an effective measure to ascertain the nature of various non-covalent interactions. Various factors which are responsible for the modulation, such as the effect of size. solvation, mode of binding, and the type of substrates involved have been analyzed. The importance of the concept of cooerpativity, in understanding the structural preferences of non-covalently bound complexes, structure function relationships, and their relevance and application in chemistry, biology and catalysis will be highlighted. ***********************************************************