************第57回尾張コンプレックスセミナー************* 題  目: NMRおよびEPRパラメータの相対論的計算 Title : Relativistic calculations of NMR and EPR parameters 発 表 者: ウルジミール マルキン Speaker : Dr. Vladimir Malkin, DrSc. 所  属  : スロヴァキア科学アカデミー無機化学研究所 Affiliation: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia 日  時:  11月20日(水)午後3時30分〜(約1時間) Date :  Wed. Nov. 20th, 15:30 pm (Almost one hour) 場  所: 情報科学研究科3階演習室 Place : 3F Seminar Room, Graduate School of Information Science 内  容: Abstract: When going down the periodical table, EPR and NMR parameters are much earlier affected by relativistic effects than the geometry of molecules. While some problems can be safely treated by approximate relativistic approaches, there is still a need for fully relativistic calculations of magnetic resonance parameters. In this context, an overview of history and recent progress made by current and former members of our group in fully relativistic Dirac-Kohn-Sham calculations of EPR and NMR parameters will be reported. In particular, attention will be paid to higher-order spin-orbit effects. It is well known that second-order spin-orbit effects can often be important for accurate calculation of the g-tensor in some heavy-element compounds. Recent progress in two- and four- component calculations of g-tensor demonstrated that higher-order SO effects should be considered even for molecules containing rather light elements. The conclusions obtained are illustrated by numerical examples. ***********************************************************