**************第20回尾張コンプレックスセミナー********************************** 題 目: Direct Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations and QM/MM Computations in      Organic Reactions 発表者: 相田 美砂子(広島大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻)          日 時: 10月7日(火) 15時00分〜 場 所: 情報科学研究科6階616号室     (使用されている場合は603号室で行います) 内 容: Direct ab initio MD simulations and combined QM/MM computations are the  theoretical methods that are expected to play an important role in the  study of organic reaction mechanisms in a near future. Recent achievements  with these methods on mechanistic studies of organic reactions will be  shown. The direct ab initio MD simulations reveal the importance of  dynamics in controlling the reaction path, which often can be different  from the minimum energy path on the potential energy surface. *********************************************************************************