************OWARI COMPLEX SEMINAR LXI************* Title : Computational Chemistry Studies on Molecular Wires and Diodes Speaker : Prof. Ahmed M. El-Nahas Affiliation : Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, El-Menoufia University, Shebin El-Kom, Egypt Date : Mon. Apr. 7th, 13:30 pm (Almost one hour) Place : 3F Seminar Room, Graduate School of Information Science Abstract : We are interested in reaction mechanisms of metal- loenzymes where transition metals are included, and address water splitting reaction catalyzed by the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) that consists of one calcium and four manganese in this seminar. The 4-electron oxidation of two water molecules, which is known as the first reaction step in oxygenic photosynthesis, is catalyzed by OEC. The reaction mechanism has not been established yet since detailed 3-D structures of OEC have been un- available for a long time. In 2011, the chemical composition of CaMn4O5 core and the positions of surrounding water molecules in the active site were identified from the high resolution X-ray crystal- lography. However, protonation states of substrates and individual oxidation state of Mn atom in intermediates during the catalytic cycle have been unclear. Furthermore, the CaMn4O5 core has various spin configurations since the d-electrons of Mn atom are strongly correlated, and thus it is difficult to analyze the electronic structures. Using the broken-symmetry and density functional theory (B3LYP) methods which are successful in such a system, we have investigated the reaction mechanism. **************************************************