************第27回尾張コンプレックスセミナー************* 題目: Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics of Dynamic Self-Assembly and Erosion Processes under Extreme Conditions 発表者: Stephan Irle   Department of Chemistry,Graduate School of Science,Nagoya University 日時: 10月30日(火)午後2時00分~ 場所: 情報科学研究科6階616号室 内容: The formation or erosion processes of nanometer-scale molecular materials are inaccessible to “conventional quantum chemical approaches” such as density functional theory (DFT) due to their large size. We recently demonstrated that a full-scale quantum chemical treatment of the dynamics of high-dimensional systems is possible: using density functional tight binding (DFTB), we recently performed MD simulations of fullerene, carbon onion, and carbon nanotube self-assembly as well as high-temperature graphite erosion processes, all with full consideration of the electronic structure of these nanoscale systems. ***********************************************************